Tom | Bridget | Dolly | Punker | Jack

The stories of two female squirrels -- Bridget and Dolly -- are featured here.

We think Bridget was Dolly's mother. They sure looked a lot alike. For a long time, Dolly made her home in a tree near Bridget's home. I recall one wintry Sunday afternoon seeing Dolly visiting Bridget and together they redecorated their nests.

Bridget was one of a kind. Although this picture shows her lying peacefully on the deck, Bridget seldom rested. She spent hours gorging shelled peanuts at the feeder.

Tom was Bridget’s mate. One summer day, Tom ambushed Bridget in a bush and serenaded her for hours with a kind of soft, low-pitched mooing. After Tom passed, Bridget had no more mates or litters.

As she aged, Bridget lost most of her tail, She grew more and more demanding, stubborn, and crotchedy. Yet, even in her later years, she’d give a good chase to a rival who challenged her at the feeder.

Dolly is a small, almost undersized squirrel. She has a club foot but she has overcome her disability and lived through three winters and four summers. Dolly is quiet, overly cautious, even stealth. For several years, we never heard a peep out of her. Then one day we heard a squirrel chattering in a tree. Sure enough it was Dolly cussing at a cat prowling her territory.

We estimate that the winter of 2001 will be Dolly's fifth. Surely she has benefited from her especially cautious nature.

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