Tom | Bridget | Dolly | Punker | Jack

Punker came to our feeders for four years now. We noticed her remarkable intelligence early on.

When the first chill hit the air in fall, she ran for the corn-cob feeder, dug her teeth into a cob, bit the cob off the screw to which it was attached, and took it home to her territory. She set the corn cob down, stripped a few kernels, buried them nearby, and repeated the process until she stripped the cob clean.

The Blue Jays also love corn in fall. We've seen them follow Punker home and strip her corn cob when she left it unattended to
bury a mouthful of corn kernels.

Punker was unique. She was tremendously intelligent, friendly, and very choosy. One day we ran out of unshelled nuts. I found some pecans and saved them in the pantry. Punker watched me fetch the pecans. The next time she came to visit, she walked right into the house and into the pantry where the pecans were stored.

Punker was a beautiful squirrel. Her coat was soft and silky. Of course she let us pet her. In fact, she paid us the ultimate compliment -- turning her back on us while she munched a nut. Punk was just tremendously well fed, pampered, and spoiled.

We buried Punk under an evergreen tree. It was an appropriate setting, an ever green tree, for a squirrel with so much personality and zest for life and living.

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